Saturday, June 5, 2010

Getting creative!

Wow it's been a while since I posted here! I thought I'd update things.
I felt inspired by a little creativity I saw on a blog by (e (see my blog links to the side of the page). (e decided to decorate her hearing aids with stickers you put on finger or toenails. I've also done this for nights out in the past using stick-on coloured rhinestones in blue, pink and purple. I bought some stickers at the newsagent the other day to add a bit of spark to my normally boring looking tan hearing aids. Here's the result!
ps. I wish my aids came in purple, or zebra stripes like Phonak Naida's have on them. That would look so cool! Sadly, my CROS aids only come in tan, so it's sticker time!


  1. Awesome! Can I use your picture of your hearing aids for my project? I can post the picture on my blog and provide a link to you.

    Thanks for sharing!


  2. @ (e
    Please see my Facebook photo gallery at:
