I'm on a Facebook group called "Deaf in one ear? Yes". One of the posts made there was about funny slogans/bumper stickers and the like related to single sided deafness. These people have some amusing ideas!:
"Single siders do it still asking you to repeat yourself"
"I'm deaf, not stupid"
"Single siders always choose the right side"
"Dolby Sound is for losers, Mono all the way!!!" (haha I really like this one!)
"No I can hear you, I am just ignoring you!"
A t-shirt with an arrow that says "walk on this side!", or a t-shirt with an arrow pointing at your deaf ear saying "idiots stand here" (or maybe both on the same shirt?).
And now for my personal favourite. One clever woman suggested a pair of earrings. One for her good ear that says "may I help you?", and the other one for her deaf ear that could say "out of order - please use other ear"
Hahaha the things people come up with! I so want to make a pair of earrings like that now!
Clear Surgical Mask for Lip Readers
9 years ago